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The Bitfountain Android Immersive
Section 0 - Introduction
AndroidCourse S00L01-Course Introduction (2:44)
Section 1 - Getting Started
AndroidCourse S01L01-Getting Started (6:45)
Section 2 - Our First Project!!!
AndroidCourse S02L01-Creating A Project (5:48)
AndroidCourse S02L02-A Look at Android Studio (2:44)
AndroidCourse S02L03-Creating a Virtual Device (7:28)
AndroidCourse S02L04-Hello World (2:00)
AndroidCourse S02L05-Project Structure (4:25)
AndroidCourse S02L06-What is XML? (5:32)
AndroidCourse S02L07-Strings (2:48)
AndroidCourse S02L08-Challenge - Create a String
AndroidCourse S02L09-Create A String (1:51)
Section 3 - SignUpForm
AndroidCourse S03L01-Intro (1:11)
AndroidCourse S03L02-Sizes - Density Independent Pixels (8:07)
AndroidCourse S03L03-Sizes - Scale Independent Pixels (4:53)
AndroidCourse S03L04-Wrap Content (3:07)
AndroidCourse S03L05-Match Parent (2:46)
AndroidCourse S03L06-Linear Layout (2:52)
AndroidCourse S03L07-Sizes Recap (1:59)
AndroidCourse S03L08-Gravity (3:16)
AndroidCourse S03L09-Weight (3:36)
AndroidCourse S03L10-Relative Layout (4:45)
AndroidCourse S03L11-Challenge - RelativeLayout (0:41)
AndroidCourse S03L12-Solution - RelativeLayout (4:38)
AndroidCourse S03L13-Nested Layouts (2:48)
AndroidCourse S03L14-Padding and Margins (3:02)
AndroidCourse S03L15-Challenge - Add Fields (0:33)
AndroidCourse S03L16-Solution - Add Fields (4:51)
Section 4 - Git
AndroidCourse S04L01-Starting with Git (4:27)
AndroidCourse S04L02-Making changes (3:28)
AndroidCourse S04L03-Github (4:19)
Section 5 - DoggyDogWorld
AndroidCourse S05L01-Coding (2:40)
AndroidCourse S05L02-Objects (4:18)
AndroidCourse S05L03-Classes (2:19)
AndroidCourse S05L04-Creating a Class (1:54)
AndroidCourse S05L05-Logging
AndroidCourse S05L06-Variables (5:27)
AndroidCourse S05L07-Constructing Objects (2:33)
AndroidCourse S05L08-Class Variables (7:26)
AndroidCourse S05L09-Functions (2:59)
AndroidCourse S05L10-Methods (3:30)
AndroidCourse S05L11-Return Void (3:11)
AndroidCourse S05L12-Method Arguments (2:53)
AndroidCourse S05L13-Visibility (3:34)
AndroidCourse S05L14-Custom Constructor (4:14)
Section 6 - MyBank
AndroidCourse S06L01-Intro (1:02)
AndroidCourse S06L02-Creating the Layout (5:30)
AndroidCourse S06L03-Challenge Create Variables
AndroidCourse S06L04-Solution - Create Variables (1:48)
AndroidCourse S06L05-Fetch Objects from Layout (5:20)
AndroidCourse S06L06-Challenge - Fetch UI Objects
AndroidCourse S06L07-Solution - Fetch UI Objects (1:16)
AndroidCourse S06L08-OnClickListener (6:41)
AndroidCourse S06L09-Challenge OnClickListener
AndroidCourse S06L10-Solution - OnClickListener (0:41)
AndroidCourse S06L11-Primitive Data Types (3:59)
AndroidCourse S06L12-BankAccount Class (1:51)
AndroidCourse S06L14-Getter (1:24)
AndroidCourse S06L15-Deposit (3:18)
AndroidCourse S06L16-Challenge
AndroidCourse S06L17-Solution - Withdraw (1:18)
AndroidCourse S06L18-Static Variables (3:49)
AndroidCourse S06L19-Final Variables (3:43)
AndroidCourse S06L20-Rename with Refactor Tool (3:09)
AndroidCourse S06L21-Naming Conventions (4:06)
AndroidCourse S06L22-Scope (4:49)
AndroidCourse S06L23-If Statement (6:28)
AndroidCourse S06L24-Challenge Charge the Overdraft Fee
AndroidCourse S06L25-Solution - Charging the Overdraft Fee (2:08)
AndroidCourse S06L26-Arrays (8:33)
AndroidCourse S06L27-ArrayList (4:46)
AndroidCourse S06L28-For Loop (4:41)
Section 7 - MarchingAnts
AndroidCourse S07L01-Intro (1:38)
AndroidCourse S07L02-Solution (4:55)
AndroidCourse S07L03-Enhanced For Loop (2:00)
AndroidCourse S07L04-Format Strings (4:06)
AndroidCourse S07L05-String Resources (2:38)
Section 8 - MyBank Part 2
AndroidCourse S08L01-Refactor Balance (6:35)
AndroidCourse S08L02-Comments (3:56)
AndroidCourse S08L03-Enums (5:38)
AndroidCourse S08L04-Savings Logic (5:03)
AndroidCourse S08L05-Subclasses (6:40)
AndroidCourse S08L06-Overriding Methods (5:47)
AndroidCourse S08L07-Annotations (1:53)
AndroidCourse S08L08-Hidden Methods (1:19)
AndroidCourse S08L09-Protected (5:47)
AndroidCourse S08L10-Visibility Recap (1:43)
AndroidCourse S08L11-Anonymous Subclasses (2:15)
AndroidCourse S08L12-A Rant on Subclassing (3:10)
AndroidCourse S08L13-Model View Controller (2:53)
Section 9 - SignUpForm Part 2
AndroidCourse S09L01-Fetching UI Elements (4:06)
AndroidCourse S09L02-Comparing Strings (5:27)
AndroidCourse S09L03-User Class (2:24)
AndroidCourse S09L04-This (4:40)
AndroidCourse S09L05-Creating a Second Activity (1:58)
AndroidCourse S09L06-Moving Between Activities (6:10)
AndroidCourse S09L07-Sending Info Between Activities (5:36)
AndroidCourse S09L08-Serializing an Object (6:17)
AndroidCourse S09L09-Saying Welcome (4:10)
Section 10 - SpeakEasy
AndroidCourse S10L01-Creating the Project (1:02)
AndroidCourse S10L02-Classes that Speak (3:12)
AndroidCourse S10L03-Interface (3:08)
AndroidCourse S10L04-Implementing an Interface (5:32)
AndroidCourse S10L05-Anonymous Classes (2:51)
Section 11 - TaskIt
AndroidCourse S11L01-Intro (1:28)
AndroidCourse S11L02-Task Class (1:04)
AndroidCourse S11L03-Getters and Setters (4:10)
AndroidCourse S11L04-Public vs Getters and Setters (1:36)
AndroidCourse S11L05-ListView (5:20)
AndroidCourse S11L06-toString (4:30)
AndroidCourse S11L07-Custom Adapter (2:24)
AndroidCourse S11L08-GetView (2:24)
AndroidCourse S11L09-Custom Item Layout (3:38)
AndroidCourse S11L10-Manipulating Row Elements (2:17)
AndroidCourse S11L11-CheckBox (3:06)
AndroidCourse S11L12-Get Item (1:30)
AndroidCourse S11L13-Setting the CheckBox (2:42)
AndroidCourse S11L14-OnItemClickListener (3:58)
AndroidCourse S11L15-TaskActivity (4:42)
AndroidCourse S11L16-Sending an Intent (6:16)
AndroidCourse S11L17-Display Task Info (8:17)
AndroidCourse S11L18-DateFormat (3:21)
AndroidCourse S11L19-DatePickerDialog (6:45)
AndroidCourse S11L20-Update Date (10:04)
AndroidCourse S11L21-Update Task (4:53)
AndroidCourse S11L22-Send Back Task (5:37)
AndroidCourse S11L23-Start Activity For Result (4:37)
AndroidCourse S11L24-Result Checks (3:42)
AndroidCourse S11L25-Update Task Adapter (5:41)
AndroidCourse S11L26-Fixing a Bug (3:34)
Section 12 - TaskIt Part 2
AndroidCourse S12L01-Array List (4:46)
AndroidCourse S12L02-Action Bar (1:57)
AndroidCourse S12L03-Action Bar Menu (8:25)
AndroidCourse S12L04-Clicking an Action Item (3:32)
AndroidCourse S12L05-Creating a New Task (3:12)
AndroidCourse S12L06-Adding Created Task (2:45)
AndroidCourse S12L07-Switch (7:50)
AndroidCourse S12L08-Challenge Switch Request Codes
AndroidCourse S12L09-Switch Request Codes (2:15)
AndroidCourse S12L10-Floating Context Menu (4:13)
AndroidCourse S12L11-Context Menu Layout (2:49)
AndroidCourse S12L12-Delete Task (3:47)
AndroidCourse S12L13-Contextual Action Bar (3:21)
AndroidCourse S12L14-Inflating the Menu (2:41)
AndroidCourse S12L15-Delete Checked Items (14:30)
Section 13 - MyContacts
AndroidCourse S13L01-Intro (1:40)
AndroidCourse S13L02-Material Design Overview (3:15)
AndroidCourse S13L03-Themes (7:00)
AndroidCourse S13L04-Color (8:17)
AndroidCourse S13L05-Add ListView (8:24)
AndroidCourse S13L06-Vertical Keylines (6:17)
AndroidCourse S13L07-Adding an Avatar Placeholder (9:18)
AndroidCourse S13L08-Row Height (3:40)
AndroidCourse S13L09-TextAppearance (5:24)
AndroidCourse S13L10-Quick Return (4:27)
AndroidCourse S13L11-Recap (3:59)
AndroidCourse S13L12-View Contact (8:45)
AndroidCourse S13L13-Adding Image Drawables (5:02)
AndroidCourse S13L14-Ratio Keylines (10:39)
AndroidCourse S13L15-Fixing the Text Appearance (5:23)
AndroidCourse S13L16-Removing the Action Bar (6:27)
AndroidCourse S13L17-Toolbar (6:36)
AndroidCourse S13L18-Customizing the Toolbar (6:45)
AndroidCourse S13L19-Adding Icons (10:24)
AndroidCourse S13L20-ListView and BaseAdapter (7:22)
AndroidCourse S13L21 Getting Items with BaseAdapter (4:04)
AndroidCourse S13L22- GetView with BaseAdapter (10:20)
AndroidCourse S13L23-Styling Field Rows (5:44)
AndroidCourse S13L24-Conditional Icons (9:43)
AndroidCourse S13L25-Palette (7:27)
AndroidCourse S13L26-ContactEditActivity (3:24)
AndroidCourse S13L27-ContactEdit Layout (6:58)
AndroidCourse S13L28-Adding UI Objects in Code (8:05)
AndroidCourse S13L29-Add New Emails and Phone Numbers (4:08)
AndroidCourse S13L30-Inheriting Themes (3:41)
AndroidCourse S13L31-Toolbar with Navigation Icon (9:28)
AndroidCourse S13L32-Update Contact (8:01)
AndroidCourse S13L33-Toast (3:33)
AndroidCourse S13L34-Singleton (6:46)
AndroidCourse S13L35-Using the Singleton (6:11)
AndroidCourse S13L36-Updating UI (8:57)
Section 14 - SoundDroid
AndroidCourse S14L01-Intro (1:41)
AndroidCourse S14L02-Register App (0:58)
AndroidCourse S14L03-REST API (6:01)
AndroidCourse S14L04-JSON (5:37)
AndroidCourse S14L05-JSON to Object (11:05)
AndroidCourse S14L06-Deserializing with Gson (5:39)
AndroidCourse S14L07-Gson and Lists (4:05)
AndroidCourse S14L08-Retrofit Interface (6:37)
AndroidCourse S14L09-Retrofit Requests (11:55)
AndroidCourse S14L10-Retrofit Singleton (5:03)
AndroidCourse S14L11-Adding RecyclerView (4:11)
AndroidCourse S14L12-ViewHolder (6:05)
AndroidCourse S14L13-Implementing TracksAdapter (10:27)
AndroidCourse S14L14-LayoutManager (2:36)
AndroidCourse S14L15-Live Templates (7:42)
AndroidCourse S14L16-Cleanup (2:56)
AndroidCourse S14L17-Adding Artwork (6:19)
AndroidCourse S14L18-Getting Images with Picasso (4:19)
Android Course S14L19-Add Player Toolbar (9:23)
AndroidCourse S14L20-RecyclerView OnItemClickListener (8:45)
AndroidCourse S14L21-Throwing Exceptions (5:29)
AndroidCourse S14L22 MediaPlayer (6:08)
AndroidCourse S14L23-Toggle Play State (9:12)
AndroidCourse S14L24-Handling Song Life Cycle (5:37)
AndroidCourse S14L25-Challenge Get Recent Songs (1:55)
AndroidCourse S14L26-Solution Get Most Recents Songs (5:27)
AndroidCourse S14L27-SearchView (3:45)
AndroidCourse S14L28-Searching Songs (7:55)
AndroidCourse S14L29-Closing our SearchView (4:43)
Section 15 - ShutterDroid Challenge
AndroidCourse S15L01-Challenge (7:11)
AndroidCourse S15L02-Setting Up Our Service (5:28)
AndroidCourse S15L03-Creating Our Objects (9:34)
AndroidCourse S15L04-Cleaning Up the API Package (8:45)
AndroidCourse S15L05-Adding RecyclerView (3:53)
AndroidCourse S15L06-Adding an Adapter (7:25)
AndroidCourse S15L07-Display Images (6:56)
Section 16 - Material Library
AndroidCourse S16L01-Creating a Module (3:12)
AndroidCourse S16L02-Sharing a Module in a Project (3:01)
AndroidCourse S16L03-Sharing Across Projects (6:20)
AndroidCourse S16L04-Creating a View (7:13)
AndroidCourse S16L05-Displaying a RatioLayout (6:58)
AndroidCourse S16L06-Declaring a Ratio (9:56)
Section 17 - MyContacts Part 2
AndroidCourse S17L01-Intro to Fragments (2:14)
AndroidCourse S17L02-Converting to a Fragment (6:55)
AndroidCourse S17L03-Display Fragment (4:28)
AndroidCourse S17L04-Convert ContactViewActivity (7:38)
AndroidCourse S17L05-Intents and Fragments (12:26)
AndroidCourse S17L06-Displaying Multiple Fragments (7:10)
AndroidCourse S17L07-Passing Data Between Fragments (10:51)
AndroidCourse S17L08-Challenge Remove Intent From Fragment (0:35)
AndroidCourse S17L09-Solution Remove Intent From Fragment (6:22)
AndroidCourse S17L10-Generics (6:17)
Section 18 - InstaCam
AndroidCourse S18L01-Intro (1:46)
AndroidCourse S18L02-Implicit Intents (5:15)
AndroidCourse S18L03-Intent Filters (5:45)
AndroidCourse S18L04-ShareActionProvider (5:14)
AndroidCourse S18L05-Taking Photos (7:12)
AndroidCourse S18L06-Adding FeedFragment (4:50)
AndroidCourse S18L07-FeedAdapter (10:01)
AndroidCourse S18L08-Intro to Cards (3:23)
AndroidCourse S18L09-Adding CardView (7:15)
AndroidCourse S18L10-Styling the Feed (13:12)
AndroidCourse S18L11-Material Design Tabs
AndroidCourse S18L12-Styling the Tabs
AndroidCourse S18L13-Switching Fragments
AndroidCourse S18L14-Intro to Floating Action Button (1:37)
AndroidCourse S18L15-Adding the FAB
AndroidCourse S18L16-Creating Shadows Pre21
AndroidCourse S18L17-StateListDrawables
AndroidCourse S18L18-Connecting the FAB and Camera
AndroidCourse S18L19-NewPhotoActivity
AndroidCourse S18L20-Adding the New Photo
AndroidCourse S18L21-A Few Cleanups
AndroidCourse S18L22-OnCreateView
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AndroidCourse S13L33-Toast
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