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  AndroidCourse S00L01-Course Introduction

Thanks for purchasing The Complete Android Course. All 30 hours of video will launch on January 1.

In the meantime, subscribe to our youtube channel. We will be releasing a bunch of free Android resources there in the coming weeks, and we already have a lot of free stuff there to check out.

Join our facebook group to ask questions and make comments about the course material. We are very active in our facebook group, so take advantage of it!

Looking forward to getting started!

Course Introduction

Join our facebook group to interact with teachers and peers. You can ask questions about course material, find other students to work on projects with, and stay up to date with out latest news (interesting links, job postings, and more!).

If you have a technical question relevant to a particular video/topic, please post your question in the thread below the videos.


Matt Parker - Android Teacher

twitter: @mdparker89

email: [email protected]

John Nichols - Manager

twitter: @azizkid

email: [email protected]

General platform issues

twitter: @bitfountain_

email: [email protected]



Android Studio