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The Bitfountain iWatch Course
WatchKIt Introduction
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WatchKit: Introduction
Updates Coming Soon
WatchKit - Downloading XCode 6.3.1
WatchKit - Creating our First Project
WatchKit - Adding the WatchKit Project
WatchKit: Labels
WatchKit - A Quick Look at WatchKit Architecture
WatchKit - Updating our InterfaceController
WatchKit - Adding our First Label
WatchKit - Connecting our Label
WatchKit - Updating our Label in Code
WatchKit - Connection Errors
WatchKit - Adding a Custom Font
WatchKit - Printing out Avaliable Fonts
WatchKit - Creating an NSAttributedString
WatchKit - Changing our Label to Red
WatchKit: Buttons
WatchKit - Adding a Button Interface Controller
WatchKit - Adjusting our Button's interface
WatchKit - Adding an Image to our Button
WatchKit - Updating our Button Programatically
WatchKit - More Updates to our Button
WatchKit: Switches
WatchKit - Adding a Switch Interface Controller
WatchKit - Exploring the Switch in the Interface Controller
WatchKit - Adjusting our Switch in Code
WatchKit - Adding an Action to our Switch
WatchKit: Sliders
WatchKit - Adding a Slider Interface Controller
WatchKit - Attributes of the Slider
WatchKit - Changing our Slider
WatchKit - Adding an Action to our Slider
WatchKit: Positioning
WatchKit - Start looking at Positioning
WatchKit - Using Groups for Positioning
WatchKit - Hidding Elements
Red vs Blue: Challenge 1
WatchKit - Challenge 1 - Red vs Blue Introduction
WatchKit - Challenge 1 - Setting up the Interface
WatchKit - Challenge 1 - Setup Blue
WatchKit - Challenge 1 - Setup Red
WatchKit - Challenge 1 - Switch between Red and Blue
WatchKit - Challenge 1 - Adjust the Background Colors Alpha
Play that Song: WatchKit Music App
WatchKit - Music App- Introduction
WatchKit - Music App- Opening a New Project
WatchKit - Music App- Setting up the iPhone Storyboard
Play that Song: AVPlayer play our first Song
WatchKit - Music App- Adding the Audio Files
WatchKit - Music App- Adding AVFoundation
WatchKit - Music App- Setting up AVAudioSession
WatchKit - Music App- Setting up the AudioPlayer
WatchKit - Music App- Play our First Song!
Play that Song: Audio Queue Player
WatchKit - Music App- Create Songs
WatchKit - Music App- Setting up the AVAudioQueuePlayer
WatchKit - Music App- Playing the Audio Queue Player
Play that Song: Add AudioQueuePlayer Functionality
WatchKit - Music App- Advance to the Next Song
WatchKit - Music App- Keeping track of the Current Song Index
WatchKit - Music App- Previous Song
WatchKit - Music App- Pause the Song
WatchKit - Music App- Current Song Name
WatchKit - Music App- Update UI Helper Function
WatchKit - Music App- Testing the UI Updates
Play that Song: Setup WatchKit UI
WatchKit - Music App- Setting up the UI for the WatchKit App
WatchKit - Music App- Hooking up the UI for the WatchKit
Play that Song: Make a request to the iPhone from the iWatch
WatchKit - Music App- openParentApplication in the Watch
WatchKit - Music App- handleWatchKitExtensionRequest
WatchKit - Music App- Creating a WatchKitInfo class
WatchKit - Music App- Storing the PlayerDictionary
WatchKit - Music App- Creating and Passing the WatchKitInfo Instance
Play that Song: Using our WatchKit App to Control our Music Player
WatchKit - Control Music from the Watch
WatchKit - Music App- Control Next and Previous from the Watch
WatchKit - Music App- Update the WatchKit Label
TaskIt For WatchKit
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Creating the Project
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setup ViewController Storyboard
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setup DetailViewController
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setup AddTaskViewController
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Add Watch Extension
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Adding a CoreDataShare Framework
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Adding a Shared Group
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setting up Task Entity
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Creating a CoreDataManager
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Creating CoreDataManager Singleton
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setup Persistent Store Coordinator
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Testing our Framework
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setting up the TaskHelper
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- insertNewObject
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- switchTaskCompletion
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- deleteTask
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- getTasks
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- toAddTaskSegue
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- AddTaskViewController
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setup a FetchedResultsController
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- contentDidChange
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Update UITableViewDataSource functions
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Testing our TableView
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Deleting a Task
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Segueing to our DetailViewController
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setup DetailViewController's views
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- DetailViewController Cancel and Done
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- DetailViewController Switch Task Completion
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setting up WatchKit Storyboard
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- updateTasks Helper Function
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Setting up the Table
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Displaying Table Data
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Displaying Completion Changes in the Watch
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Adding a Delegate to the TaskRow
WatchKit - TaskItWatch- Implementing TaskRow Delegate
TheForecaster - Weather App
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Create a New Project
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Setup the Storyboard
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Hook up the storyboard
WatchKit - TheForecaster- LocationController
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Implementing didUpdateLocations
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Calling the Location Controller
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Updating for Location in the plist
WatchKit - TheForecaster- NSNotificationCenter didUpdateLocations
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Accessing the LocationDictionary
WatchKit - TheForecaster- WeatherShare framework
WatchKit - TheForecaster- GlobalConstants File
WatchKit - TheForecaster- LocationDictionary Keys Refactor
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Registering for
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Create requestWeather Function
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Make the Request
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Serializing the Request
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Testing the Request
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Adding Weather Icon
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Finish Updating the UI
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Refresh Weather
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Adding WatchKit and Setting up the Storyboard
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Hooking up our Storyboard
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Setting up App Groups
WatchKit - TheForecaster- NSUserDefaults for Location Info
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Accessing our Location Dictionary
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Watch Request for Weather
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Updating Conditions, Location and Last Updated Date
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Update Watch Map
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Creating the HourlyWeatherInterfaceController
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Hooking up the HourlyWeatherInterfaceController
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Transitioning to the HourlyWeatherInterfaceController
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Complete refreshButtonPressed
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Adding an index to the HourlyWeatherInterfaceController
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Create UpdateUI Function
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Finish UpdateUI Function
Powered by
WatchKit - TheForecaster- Accessing the LocationDictionary
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