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The Bitfountain iOS 8 with Swift Immersive
Course Introduction
Course Resources
Our First Project!!!
Downloading Xcode
Opening XCode and Creating our First Project
A Brief Tour of Xcode
Exploring Storyboard
Setting up a New View
Adding a Navigation Controller
Adding a Title and Another Image
Adding TextFields
Adding a Button and a Label
IBOutlets and Connections
Hooking up our View Objects
Debugging Connection Errors
Unhiding our Label
Accessing Views in Code
Changing a Label's Text in Code
Changing a TextField's Text in Code
Moving our Label and Closing the Keyboard
Multi Line Label
Changing a Label's Color in Code
Let's Update our Button
Working with GitHub
Creating a Project on Github
Saving our Project to Github
Adding an Additional Commit
Downloading and Opening a Project from Github
First Challenge!
Challenge 1: Practicing with the Storyboard
Challenge 1: Practicing with the Storyboard Solution
Second Challenge!!
Challenge 2: Save your Changes to Github
Challenge 2: Save your Changes to Github Solution
Variable Types and Commenting
What is a Variable?
Type Annotations
Intro to Commenting
Operations on Variables
Operations on Variables Ints
Operations on Variables Floats
Valid Variable Names
Numeric Literals
Strings and Characters
String Interpolation
Optionals Int
String to Double
Shoe Size Converter Project
Shoe Size Converter
Refactor Shoe Converter
Adding Women's Shoes
Age of Laika
Age of Laika
Age of Laika: Solution Part 1
Age of Laika: Solution Part 2
Control Flow
If Statements
If Statements Continued
Numeric Type Conversion
Age of Laika Assignment
Age of Laika: Control Flow Challenge
Age of Laika: Control Flow Solution
For Loops
For Loops
Limitations of For Loops
99 Sodas Challenge
99 Sodas Challenge Solution
Lions and Tigers .. oh my!
Intro to Object Oriented Programming
What are Structs and Instances?
Create a New Project and Storyboard Setup
Make Your Own Struct
Adding Properties to the Tiger
Instantiating our First Struct
Using the Tiger Instance
Multiple Tigers
Introduction to Arrays
Create an Array
Two Cool Properties of Arrays
Indexing into an Array and Iterating Over an Array
Ranges and For in Loops
For in Enumerate Loop
Mutating an Array
Generating a Random Number
Adding Tigers to an Array
Show a Random Tiger
Animating our Tigers
While Loops
Recurring Tiger Bug
Our First Function
Our First Parameter
Multiple Parameters
Return Values
Another Return Value and Other Function Calls
Looking at the Current Functions
The Tiger can Chuff
Chuff a Number of Times and Self
Self Continued
Chuff a Number of Times with Control Flow
Update Tigers Age Function
Adding a Random Fact Function
Switch Statement
Challenge: 99 Red Balloons
99 Red Balloons Struct Challenge
99 Red Balloons Storyboard Setup Solution
99 Red Balloons Struct Solution
99 Red Balloons Create Balloons Function Solution
99 Red Balloons Update UI Solution
Classes and Structs
Creating a Lion
Create a Lion Array
Introduction to Tuples
Switch Statement with a Tuple
Update Current Animal
Displaying both Lions and Tigers
Lion Roar Function
Accessing Properties in a Function
Lion Random Fact Function
Subclass the Lion Class
Override Function in LionCub Class
Super Keyword
Additional Function and a Female Lion Cub
Displaying Lion Cubs
Slot Machine Project!!!!!
SlotMachine: Introduction
SlotMachine: Starting our New App
SlotMachine: Setup ContainerViews
SlotMachine: Finishing Setup ContainerViews
SlotMachine: setupFirstContainer
SlotMachine: setupSecondContainer
SlotMachine: setupThirdContainer
SlotMachine: Some more Labels in the ThirdContainer
SlotMachine: Finish adding Labels to the ThirdContainer
SlotMachine: Start Setup FourthContainer
SlotMachine: Another Button in the fourth Container
SlotMachine: Finishing the fourth Container
SlotMachine: Adding a Slot Struct
SlotMachine: Adding Assets
SlotMachine: Factory Class
SlotMachine: Create Slot
SlotMachine: Implementing Create Slot
SlotMachine: Slots Array
SlotMachine: Showing Slots
SlotMachine: Remove old ImageViews
SlotMachine: hardReset
SlotMachine: updateMainView
SlotMachine: showAlertWithText
SlotMachine: betOneButtonPressed
SlotMachine: betMaxButtonPressed
SlotMachine: Reordering Slots into Rows
SlotMachine: computeWinnings
SlotMachine: Check for Flush
SlotMachine: Check for Three in a Row
SlotMachine: Check for Three of a Kind
SlotMachine: Finishing Touches
Lemonade Stand Assignment
Lemonade Stand Assignment!!!
Lemonade Stand Solution Videos
Lemonade Stand: Storyboard Solution
Lemonade Stand: Connection's Solution
Lemonade Stand: Supplies Solution
Lemonade Stand: Price Solution
Lemonade Stand: Instantiating Price and Supplies Solution
Lemonade Stand: Instantiating Tracking Values Solution
Lemonade Stand: updateMainView Solution
Lemonade Stand: showAlertWithText Solution
Lemonade Stand: Use updateMainView Solution
Lemonade Stand: startDayButtonPressed Solution
Lemonade Stand: purchase IceCubes and Lemons Solution
Lemonade Stand: unpurchase IceCubes and Lemons Solution
Lemonade Stand: Mix Functions Solution
Lemonade Stand: Clear Mix and Purchases Solution
Add Weather
Lemonade Stand: Weather Properties Solution
Lemonade Stand: Indexing into WeatherArray Solution
Lemonade Stand: Using the Weather Array Solution
Lemonade Stand: Add weatherImageView Solution
Lemonade Stand: Adding Image Assets Solution
Lemonade Stand: Displaying Weather Solution
Task It Project!!
Task It: Setup Options
Task It: Add a TableView
Task It: Add a TableViewCell
Task It: UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate
Task It: TableView Outlet Hookup
Task It: Updating UITableViewDataSource Delegate
Task It: Setting up Prototype Cell
Task It: Updating UITableViewDataSource
Task It: Adding Labels to the TaskCell
Task It: Adding Tasks
Task It: TaskModel
Task It: Implementing the TaskModel
Task It: TaskDetailViewController
Task It: didSelectRowAtIndexPath
Task It: PrepareForSegue
Task It: Updating the DetailTaskViewController
Task It: Date Class
Task It: Updating Dates
Task It: NSDate to String
Task It: Update DatePicker
TaskIt: AddTaskViewController and Storyboard Changes
Task It: Dismiss and Pop ViewControllers
Task It: AddTaskViewController Setup
Task It: Add a Task
Task It: AddTask Segue
Task It: ViewDidAppear
Task It: Passing the ViewController to the TaskDetailViewController
Task It: Pop the TaskDetailViewController
Task It: Update Tasks
Task It: Organize Tasks by Date
Task It: TaskModel Completion
Task It: Creating a BaseArray
Task It: Updates with the Base Array
Task It: Finish Fixing the Errors
Task It: Adding Section Headers
Task It: Completing Tasks
Task It: Uncompleting Tasks
TaskIt Coredata
Task It: Getting Ready for CoreData
Task It: Setting up the CoreData Stack
Task It: Setting up the new TaskModel
Task It: Creating and Accessing a TaskModel
Task It: Setting Up the FetchedResultsController
Task It: Updating the UITableView DataSource Functions
Task It: Updating prepareForSegue and Removing MainVC Properties
Task It: Updating doneBarButtonItemPressed Function
Task It: Adding Completion Sort Descriptor
Exchange 'A' Gram
ExchangeAGram: Introduction
ExchangeAGram: Setup
ExchangeAGram: Storyboard Updates
ExchangeAGram: UICollectionViewDataSource
ExchangeAGram: FeedCell
ExchangeAGram: CameraController
ExchangeAGram: Photo Library
ExchangeAGram: didFinishPickingImage
ExchangeAGram: Creating a FeedItem
ExchangeAGram: Persisting a FeedItem
ExchangeAGram: NSFetchRequest
ExchangeAGram: Displaying the FeedItem
ExchangeAGram: Photo Filters
ExchangeAGram: FilterViewController
ExchangeAGram: didSelectItemAtIndexPath
ExchangeAGram: Presenting the FilterViewController
ExchangeAGram: Begin Creating a UICollectionView
ExchangeAGram: Finishing the UICollectionView
ExchangeAGram: FilterCell
ExchangeAGram: Implementing our FilterCell
ExchangeAGram: PhotoFilters
ExchangeAGram: Properties of CIFilters
ExchangeAGram: Composite Filters
ExchangeAGram: Using the Filters
ExchangeAGram: Implementing our Filters
ExchangeAGram: Intro to GCD
ExchangeAGram: Was that extra work in filteredImageFromImage worth it?
ExchangeAGram: Upgrading to XCode 6.1
ExchangeAGram: Adding a ThumbNail to the FeedItem
ExchangeAGram: Cleaning out the Old App
ExchangeAGram: Creating and Saving a ThumbNail
ExchangeAGram: Implementing our ThumbNail
ExchangeAGram: Additional Optimizations
ExchangeAGram: Cache
ExchangeAGram: Cache Image
ExchangeAGram: getCachedImage
ExchangeAGram: Implementing Caching
ExchangeAGram: Saving our Filter Choice
ExchangeAGram: Adding a Profile ViewController
ExchangeAGram: Adding Elements to the Profile ViewController
ExchangeAGram: Adding Facebook Functionality
ExchangeAGram: Install the Facebook SDK
ExchangeAGram: Obtain a FacebookAppID
ExchangeAGram: Add the Facebook SDK
ExchangeAGram: Setting up the PList
ExchangeAGram: Bridging Header
ExchangeAGram: Prep the AppDelegate with Facebook
ExchangeAGram: FacebookLoginView
ExchangeAGram: FacebookLoginViewDelegate
ExchangeAGram: Delegate Prep
ExchangeAGram: Hiding and unhiding our imageView and nameLabel
ExchangeAGram: Finishing up our Delegates
ExchangeAGram: Profile Segue and Testing
ExchangeAGram: Advanced UIAlertController
ExchangeAGram: Finishing UIAlertController
ExchangeAGram: Refactoring didSelectItemAtIndexPath
ExchangeAGram: Setup ShareToFacebook Function
ExchangeAGram: Finish shareToFacebook Function
ExchangeAGram: Call ShareToFacebook Function
ExchangeAGram: Saving Captions
ExchangeAGram: Testing this out
ExchangeAGram: Adding MapKit
ExchangeAGram: Adding a MapViewController
ExchangeAGram: Adding MapKit
ExchangeAGram: CLLocationManager
ExchangeAGram: Location Permission
ExchangeAGram: Update Model
ExchangeAGram: Saving the location
ExchangeAGram: ProfileVC to MapVC Segue
ExchangeAGram: Add an Annotation
ExchangeAGram: Make Request For FeedItems
ExchangeAGram: Display Photos
ExchangeAGram: Testing the Map
ExchangeAGram: Final Adjustments to our Model
ExchangeAGram: Adding a Unique ID
ExchangeAGram: Implementing our Unique ID
ExchangeAGram: Fixing the Image Orientations
ExchangeAGram: Adding Assets and Splash Screen
ExchangeAGram: Updating the FeedViewController Background
ExchangeAGram: Updating the Profile ViewController
Auto Layout Demo
Auto Layout: What is it?
Auto Layout: Pinning
Auto Layout: Between Views
Auto Layout: Basic Project, Part1
Auto Layout: Basic Project, Part 2
Auto Layout: Basic Project, Part 3
Auto Layout: Second Project, Part 1
Auto Layout: Second Project, Part 2
Auto Layout: Second Project, Part 3
Auto Layout: Second Project, Part 4
ExchangeAGram Final Touches
ExchangeAGram: Adding App Icons
ExchangeAGram: Launch Screen
ExchangeAGram: Auto Layout FeedViewController and MapViewController
ExchangeAGram: AutoLayout ProfileViewController
Task It: Advanced Functionality
Task It: Fix TableView Headers
Task It: Fixing Task Completion
Login Functionality Project
Login Project: Setup
Login Project: Segue's
Login Project: CreateAccountViewController
Login Project: Create a Protocol in the CreateAccountViewController
Login Project: Implement the Delegate
Login Project: Use NSUserDefaults in the LoginVC
Login Project: Use NSUserDefaults in the MainVC
Task It: Advanced Functionality cont.
Task It: Setup the Settings ViewController
TaskIt: Settings ViewController ViewDidLoad
Task It: Capitalize TableView
Task It: Complete NewTodo TableView
Task It: Additional UITableView DataSource Functions
Task It: SettingsViewController didSelectRowAtIndexPath
Task It: AppDelegate Settings
Task It: Implementing our Settings
Task It: Protocol in the TaskDetailViewController
Task It: Implementing the TaskDetailViewController Protocol
Task It: Updating the taskDetailEdited function
Task It: Protocol AddTaskViewController
Task It: Implementing AddTaskViewController Protocol Functions
Task It: App Icon
Task It: Splash Screen
Task It: Setting Background Colors
Task It: Implementing our Icons
Task It: Updating the ViewController with AutoLayout
Mini Project: Size Classes
Task It: Updating the Settings ViewController with Size Classes
Task It: One Fix For the Settings ViewController
Task It: Updating the DetailTaskViewController with Size Classes
Task It: Updating the AddTaskViewController with Size Classes
iCloud (Optional Section)
Task It: Setting up Developer Account
Task It: A Look at the Member Center
Task It: Using Xcode To Setup Certificates Provisioning Profiles and our Device
Task It: Adding iCloud Capability
Task It: Adding the ModelManager Class
Task It: A Look at Model Manager
Task It: Implementing NSNotification Center iCloud
Task It: Refactor Using our Model Manager
Food Tracker Project: Introduction with HealthKit and more!
FoodTracker: Lets Get Started
Food Tracker: DetailViewController
Food Tracker: Conforming to Protocols for the ViewController
Implementing UISearchController
Food Tracker: Start Setting up the SearchController
Food Tracker: Finish Setting up the Search Controller
Food Tracker: Arrays for the DataSource
Food Tracker: How Many Rows?
Food Tracker: Show Some Food
Food Tracker: filterContentForSearch
Food Tracker: updateSearchResultsForSearchController
Food Tracker: ScopeButtonTitles
Our first API
Food Tracker: Nutrionix_API
Food Tracker: MakeRequest Get Request
Food Tracker: Execute HTTP Get Request
Food Tracker: AppID and AppSecret
Post Request
Food Tracker: HTTP Post Request
Food Tracker: Setup our NSURLSessionDataTask
Food Tracker: Test Post HTTP Request
Food Tracker: Setup a DataController
Food Tracker: Completing jsonAsUSDAIDSearchResults
Food Tracker: Error Handling When Making a Request
Food Tracker: Handling the JSON Response
Food Tracker: apiForSearchFoods TableView DataSource
Food Tracker: Update TableView With apiSearchForFoods
Food Tracker: Selecting a Suggested Food
Food Tracker: selectedScopeButtonIndexDidChange
Food Tracker: Creating a USDAItem
Food Tracker: start saveUSDAItemForId Function
Food Tracker: Get the Correct Dictionary
Food Tracker: Request USDAItems for idValue
Food Tracker: Have we Already Saved this Entity?
Saving USDAItems to CoreData
Food Tracker: Create a USDAItem
Food Tracker: Start Updating the USDAItem
Food Tracker: Saving our First Food Attribute
Food Tracker: Saving Carbohydrates and Fat Total
Food Tracker: Saving Cholesterol and Protein
Food Tracker: Saving Sugar, Vitamin C, and Energy
Food Tracker: Saving our USDA Item
Food Tracker: Save a USDAItem
Using our USDAItem
Food Tracker: Request USDAItems
Food Tracker: Call requestFavoritedUSDAItems
Food Tracker: Update UITableViewDataSource for Favorited USDAItems
Food Tracker: Filter the FavoritedUSDAItems
Food Tracker: Update UITableView DataSource for FilteredFavorited USDAItems
Food Tracker: Add a USDAItem Property to the DetailViewController
Food Tracker: Segueing from the Third ScopeButton
Food Tracker: PrepareForSegue
Food Tracker: Segueing from the Second ScopeButton
Food Tracker: Post Notification with NSNotificationCenter
Food Tracker: NSNotificationCenter in the ViewController
Food Tracker: NSNotificationCenter in the DetailViewController
Food Tracker: Deinit NSNotificationCenter and Test NSNotificationCenter
Food Tracker: Setup createAttributedString
Food Tracker: Show our USDAItem Title
Food Tracker: Setup Additional Attribute Dictionaries
Food Tracker: Begin Adding USDAItem Attributed Strings
Food Tracker: Add Energy Fat and Protein attributedStrings
Food Tracker: Add Sugar and VitaminC attributedStrings
Saving our USDAItem to HealthKit
Food Tracker: Add HealthKit
Food Tracker: HealthStore Class
Food Tracker: Setup requestAuthorizationForHealthStore
Food Tracker: HealthKit Authorization
Food Tracker: Start saveFoodItem Function
Food Tracker: Our First HKQuantitySample Energy
Food Tracker: Adding HKQuantitySample Calcium and Carbohydrate
Food Tracker: Adding HKQuantitySample FatTotal and Protein
Food Tracker: Adding HKQuantitySample Sugar and Vitamin C
Food Tracker: Adding HKQuantitySample Cholesterol
Food Tracker: Saving HealthKit
Food Tracker: Eating our Food and Testing Saving
Food Tracker: Adding FoodMetaData and the Conclusion
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Animating our Tigers
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