Your First App!
Opening XCode
Label Use
What is A Variable?
Intro to Commenting
Operations on Variables
Logging into the Console
Valid Variable Names
Converting Units Part 1
Converting Units Part 2
Challenge 1: Age of Laika
Age of Laika
Age of Laika Part 1
Age of Laika Part 2
If Statements
If Statements
If Statements Cont'd
Challenge 2: For Loops
Age of Laika Control Flow
For Loops
For Loops Part 2
Challenge 3: 99 Sodas
99 Sodas
Intro to Object Oriented Programming
Create A New Project
What are Classes and Objects
Make Your Own Class
Header File
Implementation File
Instantiating an Object
Instantiating an Object Cont'd
Setting Properties
Implementing our Methods
Methods with Arguements
Self Properties
Self Methods
Methods with Multiple Arguments
Methods with Return Values
Review (weekly recap)
Challenge 4: Methods
The Challenge
Methods Solution
Multiple Dogs
Multiple Dogs Continued
Extra Credit: Animations
EC: Animation (strictly for Extra Credit)
Challenge 5: Debug Recurring Dog
The Challenge
Recuring Dog Pictures
Subclassing MBFDog
Implementing a Superclass Method
Object Continued
The Difference Between Objects and Primitives
Iterating through an Array
What's Really Going On Properties
Pirate Adventure Assignment: Prereq's
NSArray Initializer and Embedded Array
Embedded If Statements
Buttons and AlertViews
Property of a Custom Class
Introduction to nil (video)
Pirate Adventure Assignment
Pirate Assignment
Pirate Game Introduction
Pirate Adventure Solutions: Parts 1 & 2
Pirate Storyboard Setup
Hooking up the View
Creating our tile object
Factory Object
Factory Explained
Setting up the Initial Tile
Hiding our Buttons Dynamically
Navigating Between Tiles
Add a Story and Images
A Review
Review (week2 wrap)
You did it!
Pirate Adventure Solutions: Part 3
Weapon and Armor Class
Creating a Character Class
Create a Character
Adding a Character to the Application
Pirate Adventure Solutions: Part 4
Updating the Tile Model
Implementing our Action Changes
Finishing our Action Changes
Create a Boss
Implementing our Boss
Alerting the User
Clean up and a Reset Button
Pirate Adventure Wrap Up
Pirate Assignment Solution
Terminal and Git
Git Part 1
Git Part 2
Introduction to MVC
MVC Overview
Communication between the View Controller and Model/Views
Communication from the View and Model to the View Controller
Introduction to UITableView
Practice Using UITableView
New Project
A Quick Look at our Data Source
NSIndexPath Cont'd
Having our TableView display our Model
Third Party Library
Utilizing our new Model
Literals Review
Class Methods
Section 3 Review
Challenge 6: UITableViewController
The Challenge
UITableViewController Solution
Models and Space Object
Making a SpaceObject Class
Literals Cont'd
Custom Initializers
Lets Create and Use Space Objects
Challenge 7: User Data Model
The Challenge: User Data Model
Solution Part 1
Solution Part 2
Transitioning to a Second View Controller
Push Segue
Setting up our Second View Controller
UIScrollView - A Closer Look
Setting up our UIScrollView
Setting our ViewController as a Delegate
Challenge 8: UIScrollView
The Challenge
UIScrollView Solution
Passing Data between View Controllers
Passing Data Forward
id and introspection
Implementing Introspection and Passing the Data
Passing information to Proxy Properties instead of Outlets
Challenge 9: Passing Data
The Challenge
Passing Information to another ViewController Solution
Displaying our SpaceData
Adding another UITableView Part 1
Adding Another UITable Part 2
Writing the Logic behind our Space Data Table View Controller
Adding a Method from our UITableViewDelegate
Performing the Segue
Challenge 10: UITableView
The Challenge
UITableView Solution
Introduction to Protocols and Delegation
Chance of us Discovering a New Planet
Designing our New View Controller
One more Segue!
Protocols in Objective-C
Implementing our Own Protocls
Our Own Protocol Part 1
Our Own Protocol Part 2
Our Own Protocol Part 3
Our Own Protocol Part 4
Our Own Protocol Part 5
Finishing Touches on Protcols
Reload Data
Loose Ends
Solution - No More Mercury
Lazy Instantiation
Challenge 11: Protocols and Delegation
The Challenge
Protocols and Delegation Solution
Protocols and Delegation Extra Credit
Intro to Persistence
Persistence Overview
Data Persistence NSUserDefaults
Getting our Space Objects into Tip Top Property List Shape
Back to our NSUserDefaults
Retrieving our Data
Deleting some Cells from out UITableView
Challenge 12: NSUserDefaults, Segues and Protocols
The Challenge
NSUser Defaults, Segues and Protocols Solution Part 1
NSUser Defaults, Segues and Protocols Solution Part 2
NSUser Defaults, Segues and Protocols Solution Part 3
NSUser Defaults, Segues and Protocols Solution Part 4
NSUser Defaults, Segues and Protocols Solution Part 5
NSUser Defaults, Segues and Protocols Solution Part 6
Overdue Task List Assignment: Prereq's
.PCH File
TextView and the Keyboard
NSDate, Datepicker, NSDataFormatter and TimeInterval
Insert and Remove Objects from a NSMutableArray
Overdue Task List Assignment
Overdue Task List Assignment
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 1
Setting up the Storyboard Part 1
Setting up the Storyboard Part 2
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 2
Setup our #defines
Creating a Task Model
Implement the Custom Initializers
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 3
Protocol for the Cancel and Add Task Buttons
Call the Delegate Methods in the Cancel and AddTask Actions
An Array to hold the Tasks
Implementing the Delegate Methods and Saving the Task
Segue to the AddTaskViewController
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 4
Access NSUserDefaults to Setup the taskObjects Array
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 5
Setup the ViewController's TableViewDataSource
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 6
Color Coding the UiTableViewCells
Completing a Task
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 7
Delete a Task
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 8
Displaying Information in the DetailViewController
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 9
Reorder Tasks
Persisting the Reorder
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 10
Setting up the EditViewController
Saving the EditViewController Changes with a Delegate
Implementing the EditViewController Delegate
Implementing the DetailViewController Delegate
Overdue Task List Assignment: Part 11
Make the Keyboards Go Away!
Overdue Task List Assignment: Solution
Overdue Task List Solution
A Deeper Look into Views
Difference between a View's Frame and Bounds
A Deeper Look into a View's Frame and Bounds Part 1
A Deeper Look into a View's Frame and Bounds Part 2
Creating Views Programatically
Adding a UIView Programmatically
Adding UIButton Programmatically
Target Action
Challenge 13: Custom Views
The Challenge
Custom Views Solution
Autolayout and Constraints
Explore Autolayout
Demo Autolayouts Part 1
Demo Autolayouts Part 2
Further Exploration of Views
View Controllers Lifecycle
Custom Views
Introduction to UIBezierPaths
Drawing with UIBezierPath Part 1
Drawing with UIBezierPath Part 2
Challenge 14: UIBezierPath
The Challenge
UIBezierPath Solution
Another UIBezierPath
Switch to an iPad Application
More UIBezierPath
Creating our Path
Create a PathView Class
Creating a UIBezierPath on our Mountain
How Storyboard Files are Saved
Talk about Code Snippets
Finishing our Mountain Path
Gesture Recognizers and Screen Interaction
Gesture Recognizers
Pan Gesture Recognizers
Scoring for our MountainPath
Detect a UIBezierPath Hit
Adding a Score
Finishing Touches on our Maze
Theory: Memory Management
Memory Management Detour
Object Ownership Strong and Weak
Retain Cycle they are Bad
Setting up our New Project
Beginning a New Journey
Starting our New Application and the App Delegate
Adding a Storyboard and a UITableViewController
Introduction to CoreData
Core Data an Initial Light Dusting
Updating our xdatamodel
Adding a New Album with UIAlertView
Our CoreData
It;s Alive! Creating our First NSManagedObjectSubclass
Nsmanage ObjectSubclass a Quick Review
Finally Creating an Album
Accessing our Models from CoreData
Querying our Database for Objects
Review Accessing Objects from our Database
A Quick Refactor
Getting a Photo on those Slides
UIImagePickerController Delegate
Grabbing our Photo from UIImagePickerController
A Photo Model
Adjust our Core Data Model
Filling out our TWPIctureDataTransformer
Saving a Photo
Creating and Storing our Photos
Implementing, Creating, and Storing the Photos
Further Photo Intergration
Prepare the Segue Practice
Querying the Photos and Debugging
Deleting a Photo
Adding a Photo DetailViewController
Deleting a Photo from Core Data
Fixing the Bug
Preparing for Image Filters
Adding a CollectionViewController for the Filters
Creating Filters
CollectionView DataSource Methods
Image Filts
Adding our Filters
Through our Filters
Saving our Filters
Why is our App Slow
GCD and Threading Overview
Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch
Creating a Block and Implementing it
GCD Example
Fixing our Bug
Getting Ready for Parse
Install Ruby and Ruby Gems
What is CocoaPods and Installation
Sign Up for Parse
What is Parse and Why use it
Installing Parse
Installing Parse The Hard Way
Testing Parse
Is Parse Working
Testing Parse Storyboard Setup
Creating PFObjects
Saving PFObjects
Querying for the PFObjects
Final Project: Matchedup
Setting up Parse
Sign up and Setting up Facebook
Integrating Facebook
Installing Facebook the Hard Way
Matchedup: Login Functionality
Login Functionality
Saving User Information
Matchedup: The API Response
A Deeper Look in Facebook's API
Global Constants
Implementing Our Constants
Prep to Save a Photo Creating Constants and a URL
Saving the Image with a PFFile
Hitting the URL
Implementing NSURLConnection Delegates
What if the User is Already Logged in?
Adding a Picture to the ProfileViewController
Matchedup: Next Steps
Storyboard Refactor
Matchedup: Adding the ViewController's
Add a HomeViewController
Add a SettingsViewController
Add a EditProfileViewController
Add a ProfileViewController
Refactor Login View Controller
Setting up the HomeViewController
Matchedup: Managing Actions
Downloading the Home Photo
Updating the Home View's Information
Loading the Next Photo
Save a Like
Save a Dislike
Check for Likes
Check for Dislikes
Implement our Helper Methods
Doing a Initial Query for Likes
Creating Global Constants for the HomeViewController
Implementing Constants in the HomeViewController
Matchedup: Managing User Profiles
Creating a Test Users
Implementing the ProfileViewController
Global Constants for the Settings Page
Setting Initial Values and Preparing the Slider and Switches
Sliders and Switch Changes
Loading the EditProfileViewController
Saving the TagLine
Logging Out
Matchedup: Storyboard Setup
Storyboard Setup Match
Storyboard Setup Matches
Storyboard Setup Chat
Matchedup: Chat Prep
Check for Users Likes
Create a ChatRoom
Matchedup: MatchViewController
Prepping the MatchViewController
Implementing the MatchViewController
Adding a Delegate to the MatchViewController
Matchedup: Chat Setup
Finding Available Chats
Presenting Available Chats
Adding a Picture to the Chat List
Selecting a ChatRoom
Prepare the ChatViewController
Matchedup: Implementing Chats
Getting Started Implementing Chats
Additional Methods
Optional Methods
Matchedup: Check/Refresh Chats
Check for Chats
Refreshing our Chat
Testing Chats
Matchedup: Settings
Setup Defaults Settings
Allow Photo Helper Method
Implement the Allow Photo
Matchedup: Constants
Constants for ChatRoom and Chat
Implementing Constants
Matchedup: Assets
Asset Library
Setting a Global Nav Bar
Assets Login ViewController
Asset Home ViewController
Assets Profile ViewController
Finishing up the Profile ViewController
Assets Matches ViewController
Update the ChatViewController
Assets Setting ViewController
EditProfile View Controller
Matchedup: Transition
Create a Transition Class
Conform and Implement UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate
Matchedup: MixPanel
Getting Started with MixPanel
Implement MixPanel
Using MixPanel
You did it!
You did it!
Requested Topic: MVC Review
MVC Review Part 1
MVC Review Part 2
MVC Review Part 3
MVC Review Part 4
Requested Topic: World Traveler Part 1
Introduction Libraries and Learning Goals
Dependencies and Libraries
Storyboard Setup
Model Adding Entities
Model Adding Relationships
Adding a PrimaryAttributeKey
Subclassing MMRecord and keyPathForResponseObject
Subclassing AFHTTPSessionManager
foursquare ClientID and ClientSecret
Imports and MagicalRecord Setup
Customizing TCFourSquareSesssionManager
Making our First Request
Displaying the Information
Current Location
Venue Setup
Setting up the Map
Requested Topic: World Traveler Part 2
Finishing up our MapViewController
Updating the MapViewController
Setting up the Directions ViewController
Location Manager a Quick Review
Getting Directions
Using our Directions Method
Getting the Route
Adding a Latitude and Longitude Offset
Drawing our Overlay
Setup the DirectionsListViewController
Segue To The DirectionsListViewController
Setup the List of Directions
Adding a TableViewHeader
Adding Map Snapshots
Installing a Facebook style Menu with MMDrawerController
Adding a MenuViewController to the Storyboard
Update the App Delegate
Setting Drawer Attributes
Adding Animations to our Menu
Adding a Menu Button
Setting up the MenuViewController
Adding our ListViewController to the Menu
Selecting our Menu Item
Adding some More ViewControllers
Adding our new ViewControllers to the Menu ViewController
Adding Menu Buttons to the Favorite and Add Venue ViewControllers
Adding Favoriting
Save using MagicalRecord
Displaying our Favorite Venues with Magical Record
Creating our a custom Venue with Magical Record
 Using our Directions Method

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